Sunday, 11 August 2013
Backup blog
This is the backup for kicked us off, so we'll be here if our main site goes down.
Hoi on KFAI
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Here is what I would call the VERY BEST radio podcast summarizing the entire SEPTEMBER CLUES research, courtesy of the magic Hoi Polloi (aka Maxeem Konrardy - the author of the Vicsim Report) ! You're da man, Hoi !!!!
Please everyone spend those 50 minutes listening to it all!
HOI POLLOI on KFAI radio: ... ec2012.mp3
It was broadcast on the Minneapolis KFAI radio - yesterday! There's hope people, there's hope for our planet, if such rational and truth-packed radio programs are still allowed to be aired!
via SEPTEMBER CLUES on air • Cluesfo
abirato link KFAIradio_HOI_POLLOI_dec2012
Saturday, 10 August 2013
SSSSnakes ssssyop interview
I called a snakeologist today and asked a few questions about Canada's big psyOp of the week, the SSSSnake psyOp.
Needless to say that his information only confirms in my mind that we are dealing with another fake event. Now how much is fake? Be clear that an exotic animal store probably exists. A funeral was probably held. Interviews were really conducted. All events that can be easily constructed like a movie, complete with actors. A psyOp is a composite event, and because it mixes reality with fakery, it is very difficult to discern which parts are manufactured.

dr walton
Here's the old story the Dr. was referring to.
Maple Ridge vet could have trouble finding albino python a home after New Brunswick tragedy
h/t Banazir for Dr. Story
Needless to say that his information only confirms in my mind that we are dealing with another fake event. Now how much is fake? Be clear that an exotic animal store probably exists. A funeral was probably held. Interviews were really conducted. All events that can be easily constructed like a movie, complete with actors. A psyOp is a composite event, and because it mixes reality with fakery, it is very difficult to discern which parts are manufactured.
dr walton
Here's the old story the Dr. was referring to.
Maple Ridge vet could have trouble finding albino python a home after New Brunswick tragedy
h/t Banazir for Dr. Story
Nasa hoax management
It took less than two months after the beloved astronaut Chris Hadfield’s return from space for Earth to prove once again that it’s not worth coming back to.
In an article in this month’s issue of Blacklock’s Reporter – an Ottawa-based, subscription-only news service apparently run by a group of uppity hobbits – there is a Woodward-and-Bernstein-style exposé on how Mr. Hadfield allegedly had a team of PR experts running the social-media campaign that shot the Canadian astronaut to international fame.
via Was Hadfield a hoax, like the moon landing? - The Globe and Mail.
Ep54-Alan Park
Showtime: Saturday, August 10, 2013 9:11pm EDT

ep54-911 Revealed to Alan Park
Alan Park of joins us to talk 9/11. With listener caller Rollo.
We will wade through the fakery, take calls, and try and catch up on a very busy past few weeks.
ep54-911 Revealed to Alan Park
Alan Park of joins us to talk 9/11. With listener caller Rollo.
We will wade through the fakery, take calls, and try and catch up on a very busy past few weeks.
Manufacturing protest video
As we heard on last week's call with Waleed, they are busy manufacturing video footage in Iraq, as they are everywhere in the world.
Here's some going on in Egypt. Reminds of the 60 minutes Pallywood footage from years back.
via - Pallywood training in Egypt as Muslim Brotherhood "protesters" pose for the cameras.
h/t Samy
Here's some going on in Egypt. Reminds of the 60 minutes Pallywood footage from years back.
via - Pallywood training in Egypt as Muslim Brotherhood "protesters" pose for the cameras.
h/t Samy
Friday, 9 August 2013
Planes crashing everywhere
In this 6 week run-up to 9/11, you may notice more planes than normal crashing and burning. This is called psychic driving, designed to evoke the subconscious memories of fear deeply implanted on the day.
Not sure which are real (if any) from below. I am too busy with pythons right now.
4 dead after Ethiopian military plane crashes on Mogadishu runway | CTV News
Commuter plane crashes into Connecticut homes, killing 2 - World - CBC News
Gallery: Wreckage of plane crash that killed teen pilot near Kamloops |
Three Die in France Plane Crash
plane crash - Google Search
Not sure which are real (if any) from below. I am too busy with pythons right now.
4 dead after Ethiopian military plane crashes on Mogadishu runway | CTV News
Commuter plane crashes into Connecticut homes, killing 2 - World - CBC News
Gallery: Wreckage of plane crash that killed teen pilot near Kamloops |
Three Die in France Plane Crash
plane crash - Google Search
Snakey year 2013
A listener reminded me that this is the year of the snake. Last time we had a snake year that little 9/11 event happened. Are we due for some more excitement soon?
via The 2013 Year of Snake _Chinese Language Companion -
2013 is the year of the black Snake begins on February 10th shortly after the New moon in Aquarius, the humanitarian of the zodiac. This 2013 year of Snake is meant for steady progress and attention to detail. Focus and discipline will be necessary for you to achieve what you set out to create. The Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 Animal Signs. It is the enigmatic, intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animals Signs. Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means that your family will not starve.
via The 2013 Year of Snake _Chinese Language Companion -
Year of the Snake Accompanies Significant Events in History
Toronto Streetcar Hoax
I want to introduce Johnny C, who was on my past broadcast. A new listener and someone new to fakery, Johnny has taken to fakeology research very quickly and single quickly learned how to post and upload marked-up links (although it took some time on both our ends getting the software to work).
I myself am slowly working through his thread. He's digging much deeper than I would even bother into this story. Although I am troubled that this is happening in my city, I am quite convinced that we are dealing with a contracted-out psyOp.
Please look at the thread below in our forums. Good work Johnny!
Topic: More on Streetcar Named Fakery | Ab Irato.
I myself am slowly working through his thread. He's digging much deeper than I would even bother into this story. Although I am troubled that this is happening in my city, I am quite convinced that we are dealing with a contracted-out psyOp.
Please look at the thread below in our forums. Good work Johnny!
Topic: More on Streetcar Named Fakery | Ab Irato.
More SSSnake SSSyop SSSilliness
Since when did Environment Canada have anything to do with snakes, reptiles, or any other animal?
via Environment Canada helped deliver child-killing snake | Canada | News | Toronto Sun.
From their website
Don't see anything about animals here. Perhaps the American equivalent agencies have some animal interests.
I suggest the US PsyOp writers hire someone in Canada to make sure their stories make more sense.
According to Environment Canada's records, Reptile Ocean was operating as a zoo at the time, Johnson said.
via Environment Canada helped deliver child-killing snake | Canada | News | Toronto Sun.
From their website
Our Mandate
Environment Canada's mandate is to
- preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment, including water, air, soil, flora and fauna;
- conserve Canada's renewable resources;
- conserve and protect Canada's water resources;
- forecast daily weather conditions and warnings, and provide detailed meteorological information to all of Canada;
- enforce rules relating to boundary waters; and
- coordinate environmental policies and programs for the federal government.
Don't see anything about animals here. Perhaps the American equivalent agencies have some animal interests.
I suggest the US PsyOp writers hire someone in Canada to make sure their stories make more sense.
These numbers make me see red!
Toronto’s 77 red-light cameras wrote up $11M in fines in just 18 months. And 8:46 a.m. Wednesday is the most likely time to fall victim.
via Red light cameras: Data says, watch out for Wednesday morning | Toronto Star.
So what to make of this? I know the camera holders are in place, but are they loaded? Are people getting tickets, and then paying? Is this changing people's behavior. I hear there is all kinds of trouble proving who is driving and therefore enforcing this law, so I wonder if the publicity is simply a fear campaign to modify behavior.[polldaddy poll=7310674]
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Dead animal signal
Federal scientists investigating an unusually high number of dead bottlenose dolphins washing up on the East Coast said on Thursday the carcasses are showing up at a rate that is seven times higher than usual.
More than 120 dead animals have been discovered since June from New Jersey to Virginia, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service said.
via U.S. declares 'unusual mortality event' as dolphin deaths rise | Reuters.
Rehtaeh Parsons hoax arrests
The less publicized teen cyberbullying hoax had another big plot development today. Two in fact, but of course the timing is coincidental. They even tell you that in case you dared think it fake.
Canada is quickly leading the fakery industry lately, unless other world stories are being pushed off my radar.
Wonder if they'll revive the Amanda Todd hoax with some new juicy fakery? The fake arm graphic we posted has viral hits on it.
The arrests come one day after the implementation of new, more strict legislation against cyberbullying in Nova Scotia, though MacRae said the timing of the arrests is purely coincidental.
The new legislation gives victims the ability to sue alleged cyberbullies or their parents, if those accused are minors.
Mother feels relief
Leah Parsons told CBC News that police came to her house and told her of the arrests at 8:10 a.m. AT
Canada is quickly leading the fakery industry lately, unless other world stories are being pushed off my radar.
Wonder if they'll revive the Amanda Todd hoax with some new juicy fakery? The fake arm graphic we posted has viral hits on it.
John Friend reviews 911 Fear based mind control
Great review on a very interesting book.
via John Friend's Blog: Book Review - The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program.
"The greatest means of control is not actualized through military might, physical subjugation, or brute force. The greatest means of control is actualized through the manipulation of the psychological condition of the human species." - Lenon Honor
via John Friend's Blog: Book Review - The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program.
Oliver Stone’s Son Says 9/11 Was an ‘Inside Job,’ Hezbollah Aren’t Terrorists, Israel Is a ‘Crusader State’ | Video |
Not too sure what to make of Olly Stone's son. He was in Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theories gatekeeping show. According to this article, he's got all the three major religions covered:
So is he the new "Everyman"? Has he seen September Clues? Can we get past the phony "9/11 was an inside job" memento and talk about psyops?
He seems like a new kind of gatekeeper.
The younger Stone, who says he is part Jewish and was baptized a Christian before converting to Shi’a Islam, shared his views in an interview last week with RT, the Russian government’s English-language television network.
So is he the new "Everyman"? Has he seen September Clues? Can we get past the phony "9/11 was an inside job" memento and talk about psyops?
He seems like a new kind of gatekeeper.
Ssssnakes alive!
Snakes are slithering loose everywhere across Canada. They must have a facebook group of be part of al-Snakeda, since this new found terror appears coordinated. All if them are of occult length and residence.
Hide your rabbits and small children!
The snake is a 1.2 metre-long ball python.
RCMP Cpl. Doug Trousdell says the snake isn't believed to be dangerous. The ball python is a nonvenomous snake.
"It was a pet snake that had gotten loose somewhere in the house," Trousdell said.
The snake was last seen Tuesday night at the house in the 1800 block of Purcell Way.
Hide your rabbits and small children!
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
War PSYOPs in Media and Governments - YouTube
War PSYOPs in Media and Governments - YouTube.
h/t John Friend's blog
CNN discontinued the psyOp program? That's a laugh. They are the official Ministry of Truth!
Link to John's audio with Tom in CT about psyOps.
Congrats to John - he's had the most comprehensive guests to explain (at least) the last 50 years of what's been happening to American and the world with Tom and Lenon Honor. If you don't research anywhere else, this post and its contents, this site, and are all you need to figure out your reality.
h/t John Friend's blog
CNN discontinued the psyOp program? That's a laugh. They are the official Ministry of Truth!
Link to John's audio with Tom in CT about psyOps.
Congrats to John - he's had the most comprehensive guests to explain (at least) the last 50 years of what's been happening to American and the world with Tom and Lenon Honor. If you don't research anywhere else, this post and its contents, this site, and are all you need to figure out your reality.
Jungle on the Snake hoax
Watch "SNAKE hoax death of two boys in canada" on YouTube
Japan is nuclear lies central
All countries have their central role in global fakery. Clearly Japan plays the leader in nuclear fakery, from Hiroshima to Fukushima. official nuclear position is that judging by the fakery around the Atom bomb video "evidence", there is most likely no such device. Taking that further, there is good reason to believe that the whole concept of nuclear and radiation is a fraud, with its roots in sorcery.
Sound ridiculous? Put all nuclear stories from now to the beginning into a fakery paradigm and they will all make sense. They are all about fear and money. Lots of it.
H/t Banazir official nuclear position is that judging by the fakery around the Atom bomb video "evidence", there is most likely no such device. Taking that further, there is good reason to believe that the whole concept of nuclear and radiation is a fraud, with its roots in sorcery.
Sound ridiculous? Put all nuclear stories from now to the beginning into a fakery paradigm and they will all make sense. They are all about fear and money. Lots of it.
Abe put the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in charge of the situation, while demanding that the plant's operator, TEPCO take the necessary steps to deal with the cleanup, which is anticipated to take more than 40 years at a cost of US$11 billion.
H/t Banazir
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
SSSSnake face
Python strangles sleeping boys above New Brunswick pet shop | Toronto Star.
9/11 with Lenon
Listening to the video's author on John Friend's show, and so far he's been interesting. Haven't got through all his material but thought I'd drop the link here and see if others have heard of him or his material before I go deep into it.
John Friend's Interview with Lenon Honor.
September 11th and Global Mind Control by Lenon Honor 1 of 2 - YouTube.
John Friend's Interview with Lenon Honor.
September 11th and Global Mind Control by Lenon Honor 1 of 2 - YouTube.
Monday, 5 August 2013
SSSSSuspicious SSSSSnake SSSStory
Notice the story has no names of vicsims, no police name or police confirmation. It has magic, tell-tale numbers. A complete fairy (snake) tale.
However, there was an online petition calling for Reptile Ocean to be shut down. The person who started the petition complained about the humidity in the store and the condition of some animals.
via Python kills two boys in their sleep at New Brunswick sleepover - The Globe and Mail.
Iran on Iraq
El Sushi on what's going on in Iraq. You won't hear this in the nightly news:
Dear brother Waleed,
?????? ?????
Thanks a lot for these pictures showing our three usual Shia culprits sponsored by the Safavids of Iran. Khamanay, Sadiq Alsader and Khumainy (indeed, this one used to be an Iran leader back in time, thanks for recalling that crucial info brother) are no other than shia infiltatred agents personifying pseudo religious leaders. There's a real insidious war being perpetrated at the moment on the Sunni community of both Iraq and Syria and though I'm far from knowing both all the reasons and details, it doesn't really require us to be middle east specialists in order to realize that almost never addressed fundamental issue.
The Ministry of Oil is indeed the only site fully protected by the American army, well, no big surprise here. But again, most Iraqi oil has been controlled for decades by the occidental multinational powers/ organizations. And the same goes with the rest of Africa and their corrupted leaders working hand in hand with this globalized mafia.
Chinese are there too, they actually have no other choice than exploiting major resources there if they want to be able to address the incredible increasing demand coming of their domestic market.
Do the American Army leaders care about that insidious/complicit war being perpetrated by the Shia "wealthy" community on the Sunni community of Iraq and Syria? Of course, they don't give a damn, let's call it military pragmatism. Do the European nations care ? Same. No balls. None of our "business". Cause war is nothing but a business. Let's try to imagine the magnitude of this war as well as the countless ones that occured after. Post 9-11 ( has mainly be created in order to increase the military-industrial complex expenditures and investments.
And so meanwhile, Iran, with the help of the U.S. Army, the Russians, the Europeans, is pursing his own dream, a dream that was long ago expressed by the elite running the dynasty of the Safavids (?????? ??????? ), which consists in making Iran the new first Islamic place of the world with Teheran as the new Islamic capital, especially through their sacrosanct Oumma project. This project has been on for decades and it is now time for most Iranian leaders and their Hezbollah branches located in Iraq and Syria to make their dream come true. Iran and the U.S. are not against each other. Syria and Iraq actually fear more Iran than Israel. That Iran - U.S. - Israel pseudo conflict is a massive media hoax, they're working together. The military media (the "media" is nothing but a military intelligence fabrication) is controlling the information and so unless one can understand both Arabic and Persian languages, it will be almost impossible to get the big picture.
Dear Friends
yesterday i had on air interview with my Canadian radio,call abirato international radio,and one of the questions was, who is controlling Iraq now a days , my answer was Iran controlling iraq because i know very well what is going on in iraq, and today i was driving on street in down town and i took two pictures in different locations on near by central highway and another one just near from the Ministry of oil, may be very body remember this ministry it was the only ministry which was protected by American troops after invasion 2003
my question is what America get from the War against Iraq
the characters in that pictures are from the left to the right
1- Ali Khamanay Iranian religious leader and huzubullaha founder
2- Mohamed sadiq alsader
3- Khumainy the ex Iran leader in 1980s
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Time to invent a new term for what this blog and its readers are: fakoligists. Those that study fakery.
It sure beats conspiracy theorist.…
Our website can now be accessed at Our backup site that I'll try and keep synced is at
It sure beats conspiracy theorist.
fake[ feyk ]
verb (used with object)
1. prepare or make (something specious, deceptive, or fraudulent): to fake a report showing nonexistent profits.
2. to conceal the defects of or make appear more attractive, interesting, valuable, etc., usually in order to deceive: The story was faked a bit to make it more sensational.
3. to pretend; simulate: to fake illness.…
Our website can now be accessed at Our backup site that I'll try and keep synced is at
So who is missing still at Lac Megantic?
Looks like the fakists running the Quebec train crash hoax are settling on 47 and 38 (=11) for their final numbers.
More ridiculous over the top silly stories about "crying during interviews" (let see them) to tell you how to react.
What are the names of the missing vicsims? Don't they need any of the public's help to find them?
On the day that last body was found the head of the Quebec provincial police's crime scene investigators, Steven Montambeault, cried during interviews as he described sights and smells that he said will haunt him forever.
The number of bodies found could still change, even if the search is over, Lapointe said. The coroner's office, meanwhile, said it has identified 38 of the bodies and will work to identify the rest.
More ridiculous over the top silly stories about "crying during interviews" (let see them) to tell you how to react.
What are the names of the missing vicsims? Don't they need any of the public's help to find them?
Explaining Lac Megantic fakery
The psyOp writers consult fakery sites as part of their job. Apparently they've noticed that most are aware that crude oil could not possibly produce fake mushroom cloud nuclear (fake) style imagery.
Enter their cover story to extinguish that fakery inconsistency.
Lie upon lie.
Enter their cover story to extinguish that fakery inconsistency.
“I’m not an expert in this domain, but it seems that the crude oil reacted in an abnormal way,” Ed Belkaloul told reporters in Lac-Megantic.
“That’s why we took samples — to know exactly what the ingredients are in this crude oil and to know why the railcars blew open like this.”
Lie upon lie.
Flat earthers and NASA doubters
Here's an article linking anyone who questions NASA with flat earthers, which of course is an insult or pejorative worse than tin foil hat conspiracy theorist.
For me, it is precisely because it is clear that 9/11 was the grandest of all media fakery psyops with a 99% success rate that I discovered the NASA fakery. From there, it is only natural to consider that other "truths" are outright lies. I therefore am wide open to discarding a spherical earth if fake space photos are their best evidence.
I am also open to the fact that any "flat earth society" is controlled opposition to lunify that concept as well.
There are so many layers of the truth onion. Also interesting how and why this story makes media at all. Are they detecting a new buzz thanks to a growing awareness of fakeologists?
For me, it is precisely because it is clear that 9/11 was the grandest of all media fakery psyops with a 99% success rate that I discovered the NASA fakery. From there, it is only natural to consider that other "truths" are outright lies. I therefore am wide open to discarding a spherical earth if fake space photos are their best evidence.
I am also open to the fact that any "flat earth society" is controlled opposition to lunify that concept as well.
There are so many layers of the truth onion. Also interesting how and why this story makes media at all. Are they detecting a new buzz thanks to a growing awareness of fakeologists?
"It is always good to question 'how we know what we know', but it is also good to have the ability to accept compelling evidence - such as the photographs of Earth from space."
Saturday, 3 August 2013
System crash
As many regulars may have noticed, has been down most of the day.
Apparently, our hosting service,, had an unprecedented failure of a new server we were placed on earlier this month. Luckily for them, we are told, there were few customers on this new server.
Sadly, we've made more changes here in the past two weeks then any other time. How unfortunate that most have been lost, and now I'll be wasting many days rebuilding and trying to find backups, instead of researching the latest in fakery.
We do have a backup website at You can also check for updates at our twitter account, You can go to our chat at to see a message too. Our facebook page, at, also had a post to let users know.
We will be working hard to get back up to speed. Check out the latest show, ep53, posted at It was quite a thrill to talk to someone in Iraq.
Apparently, our hosting service,, had an unprecedented failure of a new server we were placed on earlier this month. Luckily for them, we are told, there were few customers on this new server.
We do have a backup website at You can also check for updates at our twitter account, You can go to our chat at to see a message too. Our facebook page, at, also had a post to let users know.
We will be working hard to get back up to speed. Check out the latest show, ep53, posted at It was quite a thrill to talk to someone in Iraq.
Down for a while
Abirato's server at fried this morning.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
That said, when the site returns, about 10 days will be missing.
So comments and new users will be lost.
Hopefully sometime today it will be back online in some shape or form.
Remember to back up your data OFF SITE.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
That said, when the site returns, about 10 days will be missing.
So comments and new users will be lost.
Hopefully sometime today it will be back online in some shape or form.
Remember to back up your data OFF SITE.
Ep53-Waleed in Baghdad
[audio mp3=""][/audio]
We talk with El Sushi and Waleed about life in Iraq.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Daycare psyOp hoax
To that end, this story (and the Quebec daycare siege a few months back) are clearly being used to further this agenda.
She was a mature 2-year-old. So precocious that her parents felt she was a grownup in a child’s body. (Who writes this pap?)
But Eva Ravikovich was only a toddler. When her mother went back to work, Eva was put in an unlicensed home daycare.
via Heartbroken parents of daycare victim Eva Ravikovich touched by support | Toronto Star.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
This is the backup blog
Come here if is unaccessable.
Meet simOfficer Forcillo
I’m pretty sure that the SIU is required by law to reveal “subject officers” immediately. While we may see a real person playing the role of this officer, I’d be surprised if Mr. Forc(e)illo was ever a Toronto Police Service officer. I’m not quite sure why those that pull off and those that agree to these hoaxes want to see a tension manufactured between the citizens and the police. Is this part of a divide and conquer strategy? Here’s an excerpt of an unimaginative fake background: I must remind myself and others that as far as I can tell, psyOps are always conducted within the confines of the law. While they are immoral in their deception, they are not illegal. It is not illegal for the wholly-owned media to lie. So most of their statements and actions in their stories are always close to the truth or the way the truth would look, but there’s always one small thing missing or twisted that the average serf will miss. It’s too bad real reporters don’t seem to exist or are silenced. Those that deal with police and court matters on a regular basis would see these glitches instantly. If there are any real past columnists in the Toronto area who I (used to) respect who want to chime in here,contact me. We can discuss this privately if you’re afraid to expose truth. It appears that even more than a decade ago, Forcillo knew he wanted to be a police officer. via Officer in Sammy Yatim shooting identified as James Forcillo | Toronto Star. |
Nailed it
Nailed it
Bostonterrierowner from… nailed our false reality:
“Local psyops – and minor media scams • Re: El Ferrol Train Derailment (July 25, 2013)”…
Bostonterrierowner from… nailed our false reality:
This “real victims” situation is very similar to what happened for example around Smolensk “crash” with Polish president in April 2010.
Lots of very well known people disappeared from public life as a result of this psyop but it doesn’t mean they really died that day . IMHO states are run by secret services via their agents , assets in media politics , church and whatnot . In one point in time they are given an order from their managing officers to “die” or give a false personal account to some particular event just like a screen writer decides what happens to his characters in the movie .
One needs to look at televised world around us like it is a soap opera because that’s what it really is .
“Local psyops – and minor media scams • Re: El Ferrol Train Derailment (July 25, 2013)”…
Sammy Yatin Death certificate?
Identity documents
56.1 (1) Every person commits an offence who, without lawful excuse, procures to be made, possesses, transfers, sells or offers for sale an identity document that relates or purports to relate, in whole or in part, to another person.
via Criminal Code.
I believe that these psyOps are performed within the confines of the law. Apparently that’s pretty easy, since lying via the media is legal. Some components, if forged for reality, are illegal, and therefore avoided. Sandy Hoax is apparently stalled on the releasing of death certificates of the simchildren. They are even going as far as passing a law in Connecticut to allow the avoidance of breaking the law of forgery of death certificates just for this not requiring the release of these certificates.…
Will that happen in Toronto? Can we have any citizen of this country interested please contact serviceOntario for a copy of this man’s death certificate so we can stop our fakeologist investigation?…
Trinity of PsyOps wrapping up
Americans are so efficient at their psyOps. Their start to finish is a few months. Due to lack of interest and funding, Canada’s hoaxes drag out forever.
Eagerly awaiting the next crop. Since it’s August, will they feature the #8? Is August traditionally a good psyOp month? Perusing…, we see a number of events that were most likely fake. Couple of atom bombs and the Lady Di Hoax stand out.
Cleveland Castro 3 abduction Hoax PsyOP…
“My name is Michelle Knight and I would like to tell you what 11 years was like for me”
“I spent 11 years in hell. Now your hell is just beginning,” she said. “You will face hell for eternity.
“From this moment on, I will not let you define me, or affect who I am. I will live on, you will die a little every day.”
Snowden PsyOp Hoax
US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden has left the Moscow airport where he had been staying since June after being granted temporary asylum.…
Orlando FBI PsyOP
Another psyOp, another unsatisfactory ending. Even the ACLU is part of the operation: they appear to be a watchdog, but in fact, they aren’t really. So I guess that closes the chapter on this Boston Marathon Hoax sideshow. Move along people, the next psyOp can’t be far down the road.
State investigators in Florida have rejected a request for an independent investigation of the fatal shooting of a Chechen man while he was being questioned about his ties to one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.
via Independent agency barred from investigating Chechen’s death during FBI questioning – National |
Swindle side of psyOp hoaxes
Swindle side of PsyOps hoaxes
It’s one thing to deceive people into thinking a certain way, it’s another thing to steal their money. I’m not sure giving to a charity under false pretenses is illegal — but it should be. Chances are it is legal, as most psyOps work within the limits of the law.
via Widow of Tim Bosma finds hope in her new charity – Hamilton.
* * *…
The real victims of psyOps are those that are swindled out of their money for hoax events.
Here’s a personal message to the Canadian Red Cross: it’s because of the above support from your website of a fake event that I will never donate one red cent again — and I gave plenty in the past.
So the next real set of victims of these hoaxes are legitimate victims who needed and will need help in real situations. Thanks to their lack of fact checking at the Red Cross (someone in the power chain must be connected), the Red Cross has permanently defaced their name. How sad.
Flag of the Red Cross Suomi: Punaisen Ristin lippu Français : Drapeau de la Croix-Rouge Italiano: Bandiera della Croce Rossa ??????????: ????? ?? ???????? ???? Rumantsch: Bandiera de la Crusch cotschna (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It’s one thing to deceive people into thinking a certain way, it’s another thing to steal their money. I’m not sure giving to a charity under false pretenses is illegal — but it should be. Chances are it is legal, as most psyOps work within the limits of the law.
“Hopefully one day, when people hear ‘Tim Bosma,’ it’s not just about what happened to him. It’s what hopefully becomes a legacy going forward.”
Donations to Tim’s Tribute can be made directly to Christian Stewardship Services, Suite 214A – 500 Alden Rd., Markham, Ont., L3R 5H5, payable to CSS with the memo notated to “Tim’s Tribute.”
via Widow of Tim Bosma finds hope in her new charity – Hamilton.
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Lac-Mégantic Support
During the night of July 6th, a derailed train carrying crude oil caused explosions and a devastating fire in downtown Lac-Mégantic. Canadian Red Cross teams are actively responding to ensure that the needs of evacuees are being met. Some of these people have lost everything. Your help is urgently needed.…
The real victims of psyOps are those that are swindled out of their money for hoax events.
Here’s a personal message to the Canadian Red Cross: it’s because of the above support from your website of a fake event that I will never donate one red cent again — and I gave plenty in the past.
So the next real set of victims of these hoaxes are legitimate victims who needed and will need help in real situations. Thanks to their lack of fact checking at the Red Cross (someone in the power chain must be connected), the Red Cross has permanently defaced their name. How sad.
Busy psyOp month for August?
Ok, so perhaps August will be an eventful month of psyOps? Can’t they let off on the fakery for even one month so we can catch our breath?
via Al Qaeda threat prompts worldwide travel warning | Toronto Star.
The U.S. State Department issued a worldwide travel alert for the month of August, citing a threat of an Al Qaeda attack possibly “emanating from the Arabian Peninsula.”
via Al Qaeda threat prompts worldwide travel warning | Toronto Star.
Review of the Spain train movie
Simon reviews the EL-FERROL MOVIE
All in all, I have to say that this video exhibits the full range of tell-tale / trademark-features of psyoppyish ‘amateur footage’. The constantly shaky, ‘wobbly’ and ‘pastel-colored’ imagery, the excruciatingly silly soundtrack (for maximum ‘emotional effect’) dominated by an ‘inconsolable’ sobbing man + constantly whining sirens, as well as the usual dose of oddities and aberrations. The part where Carlos adresses a motionless (ketchup-faced and barefooted) woman lying on the ground is priceless (6:30 into the video). He tells her to “stay calm” – then calls for assistance at the top of his lungs and shouts at her when she turns on her side – all this as he (supposedly) keeps filming with his stupid camera! And you’ve gotta love the wondrous physics involved with that Detached Coach ending up on that hill – upright and mostly intact – yet with all its wheel assemblies stripped off !
via El Ferrol Train Derailment (July 25, 2013) •….
Fertilizer payoff
Best way to hide a story is to release it late Friday.
We now have our explanation for the West, TX fertilizer hoax. Sometimes it takes a while to get the reason for these media events. It’s almost always about fear and money (for urban renewal).…
The Quebec money was much more forthcoming. Canadian governments are much looser with money they don’t have.
We now have our explanation for the West, TX fertilizer hoax. Sometimes it takes a while to get the reason for these media events. It’s almost always about fear and money (for urban renewal).
The Obama Administration on Friday declared the deadly fertilizer plant explosion in the central Texas community of West in April to be a major disaster, approving the use of wider federal funding to help the town rebuild.…
The Quebec money was much more forthcoming. Canadian governments are much looser with money they don’t have.
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